Just a blog from a gay man. My View. I hope you will enjoy

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What happens to older Gay Men?

Its a sad fact that gay men in there 40's have to come to think there too old! Why is that gay men in there 20's think of gay men in there 40's are too old for them to date?

Well to each there own. However if your gay man in your 40's there is hardly any older men in there late 50's early 60's to help Gage us through the unknown. Why is this? Well AIDS.

AIDS wiped out a huge part of gay baby boomer men. These are the men that were part of the huge gay rights movement. The straight counter parts of the boomers have redefined what being in your 40's, 50's, & 60's. . However for gay men we don't have that. I am in my 40's and I feel like I am breaking new ground but I know I am not.

Now as a gay man in my 40's I do not see any older gay men couples? I know there out there but where?

I have to create a life that I am proud of. I have to be my own role model. I have to set an example to the world of what a gay man in his 40's is all about. I live in Mississippi so if there is any gay male couples here I love to meet them.

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