Just a blog from a gay man. My View. I hope you will enjoy

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Clay Aiken Coming out?

Over at TMZ they have posted a story that Clay maybe coming out. Clay in the past has said he wasn't "gay and its nobody really cares". Well Clay your full of shit.

Yes people care. You grew up in the south. You know how gay people are treated. If it wasn't a big deal you would of come out a long time ago.

Now I don't blame you for not coming out if you still did not know you were gay. But once you knew then that is different.

Now Clay being gay doesn't mean

1) Your going to hell

2) Your career is over

3) Your family will no longer love you

4) The public will hate you

5) Your friends dump you

What will happen is

1) Your free. The secret is over. A weight is lifted

2) Respect from others & Self Respect

3) Living better. Your happier. No more lies.

4) You see that your friends will still be your friends.

5) You get a more loyal fan base. They respect your talent & honesty.

6) You become more relaxed. Your not scared anymore. Your smile becomes contagious!

7) People will value your honesty.
8) You Will Save lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

interesting blog, as a gay man I agree but I don't believe Clay is coming out any time soon, or at least it didn't seem that way in the actual interview ( the press does love a headline grabbing piece and TMZ is the worst.) If you listen to the actual interview Clay did on Billybush.com I didn't get that impression AT ALL, in fact he still won't even talk about it.
but hey it was an interesting listen.