Just a blog from a gay man. My View. I hope you will enjoy

Monday, April 28, 2008


Last year it was the 10th Anniversary of "Ellen" coming out of the closet. That should of been celebrated. For some reason it went ignored.



Next year will be the 40th anniversary of the death of Judy Garland. A few days later it will be the birth of the gay rights movement also known as the "STONEWALL RIOTS".

It was at the gay men's bar who were gathering together morning life of Judy Garland that caused the riots when the New York Police Department Broke up the party.

Well in the month of June we had 3 things. "Judy's Birthday", "The Death of Judy Garland", & "The Stonewall Riots". Because of the Stonewall riots this led many areas dedicating June as gay pride month.

Now we have holidays for different reasons. I think this country needs to honor the GLBT community by making the 4th Monday of June a holiday. This holiday is to honor all gays and lesbians. It would also focus on stopping the violence aimed at the GLBT community.

Its a holiday that is long over due.

If your Gay then Check out the Cruising at The Silver Slipper in Hancock County Mississippi

I was just at the Silver Slipper. Is it me or does everyone that works there seem to be gay? When I parked my car in valet I noticed a few people there were gay. Then once I got in it I saw gay men & women everywhere. Valet, The Buffet, The Dealers, Security guards plus customers. I couldn't believe it. Who knew! I think I will be going back Friday. I want to get a couple of numbers!

Maybe its the new cruising spot for the area! I was told at night the parking lot by the beach side of the casino gets interesting after 10 pm.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tina Turner Rerturns Again

I never have seen Tina Turner Live. I love her music. In an episode of "Oprah" that airs around May 8th, she said that she will be touring in the USA again. Hurray! I am so there!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Clay Aiken Coming out?

Over at TMZ they have posted a story that Clay maybe coming out. Clay in the past has said he wasn't "gay and its nobody really cares". Well Clay your full of shit.

Yes people care. You grew up in the south. You know how gay people are treated. If it wasn't a big deal you would of come out a long time ago.

Now I don't blame you for not coming out if you still did not know you were gay. But once you knew then that is different.

Now Clay being gay doesn't mean

1) Your going to hell

2) Your career is over

3) Your family will no longer love you

4) The public will hate you

5) Your friends dump you

What will happen is

1) Your free. The secret is over. A weight is lifted

2) Respect from others & Self Respect

3) Living better. Your happier. No more lies.

4) You see that your friends will still be your friends.

5) You get a more loyal fan base. They respect your talent & honesty.

6) You become more relaxed. Your not scared anymore. Your smile becomes contagious!

7) People will value your honesty.
8) You Will Save lives.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


If you want a true honest account on what it is like to be a gay man read the book by Rich Merritt called "SECRETS OF GAY MARINE PORN STAR".

You only have to be human to relate to him. Growing up in the 1980's was very hard if you were a gay man.

I loved the fact that Rich was very honest in the book. Reading the book was like he was telling you my story. Now I was a porn star or a marine however the fears he had I did as well.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


"Making Love" is a interesting movie. It was the "Brokeback Mountain" of its day. The movie was made in the early 1980's and was released in 1982.

Now this movie was written and released before the anybody ever herd of the word AIDS .

In fact gay rights were making ground until Ronald Reagan came into office and AIDS hit the gay community.

Now this movie was ground breaking. Today the emotions of the movie still ring true. ( A MARRIED STRAIGHT MAN falls IN LOVE WITH ANOTHER MAN).

Today if the movie was made AIDS would be the central focus. However this was made before AIDS. The story is well told. I think its a little bland here there because its try's not to offend everyone. When you do that you make only OKAY art.

I recommend seeing this movie only because we can see the more things change the more they stay the same!

Gay Men Look Out

Liza is coming to Biloxi in July. This should be fun. Biloxi is on a role lately. Earlier this year Kathy Griffin came to town. She was a sell out. Liza will sell out as well. Maybe Biloxi is catching on that Gay Men have big bucks to spend.

Sex and the City Movie

The other night something caught my attention when I was watching "Desperate Housewives. It was a commercial. The add wasn't for "Indiana Jones" but something else that I was very familiar with. That of course was the add for the movie of "Sex and the City".

AS soon as I herd a few notes of the theme song my heart skipped and I smiled. I didn't realize how much I missed this show. To see these women again is like having lunch with an old friend. I can't wait to see this movie. I don't think I am the only one. Welcome back ladies we have missed you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


If you work around people who have children then I am sure that you have been approached about buying something. Now I think before you buy anything you should ask the parent "Where does this group stand on Gay Rights"! If they are not supportive of Gay Marriage smile and tell them "I am sorry then I can not buy anything from you! If we all did this it would make a statement.

Jack McBrayer Shout Out

Hands down he stole the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". His scenes are the funniest in the whole movie. ( I hope when a DVD is released there is more footage of him included). I hope to see him in more movies. Until then I can watch him steal scenes from everyone on "30 Rock".

By the way TV Academy. Jack McBrayer deserves an Emmy Nomination for his work on "30 Rock". I am sure if the NBC show "30 Rock" was a bigger hit Jack McBrayer would of hosted an episode of "Saturday Night Live" by now. However I would venture to say by 2010 he will.

What to do in Gay Mississippi besides Southern Decadence

Do you think she will be here. She has family in New Orleans
Add Image

I miss living in California. I miss the gay pride weekend in West Hollywood. To me it was freedom day. I could be me without fear. I could hold my boyfriends hand and kiss him in public. The festival was a blast as well. I will return in 2009 for Gay Pride Weekend Until then I will make every attempt to make Southern Decadence in New Orleans.

Now if you know of any gay events in the South please let me know.

Is there a Gay Life in Mississippi in the Gulfport Biloxi area

Living in Mississippi when your gay is hard. I am not in a closet but I do watch what I say to people because I live around a bunch of brain dead inbred rednecks.

I do wish that the area had a gay and lesbian center. If your gay and need a friend drop me an e-mail.


I must say this lady has lots of guts. She confronted cancer in front of the Cameras. She shaved her head. She also now is doing "Good Morning America" without her wig so she can show what "Cancer Looks Like". Showing America her recovery in progress.

She has been honest. She is a hero to many. She's would be a hero to many more people if she would talk about about one more thing. Maybe she does want to speak about more private matters however the HOUSE OF MOUSE might not want her too.

In any event I am happy to see her doing so well.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I Miss Rosie O'Donnell

I liked Rosie O'Donnell. I loved "The View" when she was on it. I no longer watch the show because to me its not the same show anymore-in other words ITS Boring.

Rosie made you think. With Rosie gone there isn't a regular voice on TV that represents gay & lesbians! I may not always agreed with Rosie but she was great. I hope she does return to TV talk soon very soon.


We here about the fear of the gay Baptist teen. Well Orthodox Jewish Teens go through the same fears. The is the focus of this documentary called "TREMBLING BEFORE G-D".

This is so well made and so emotional that the people featured in this documentary feel like they are just talking to you. If your gay or your close to someone who is gay then I highly recommend you watching this.

Watching this movie you will see gay people have fears of being rejected not on by family but by God.

In case your gay & your reading trust me GOD LOVES YOU and we are not going to hell.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Micheal Jackson when did go from a black man to a white woman

I was a huge fan of Michael Jackson. Some how today I can no longer listen to anything he does or that he has done. I think he is just creepy. He looks like a freak. He now looks like an ugly white woman. He was a good looking man before he went crazy with cosmetic surgery.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Texas polygamist women are victims as well

First off I am not pro-polygamist. To me to each there own but its a crime when you force a 13 year old to get married. If a woman is 18 and wants to be married to a man who has more than one wife then fine.

I think what the State of Texas is doing is great. The children of polygamy are the victims. These children however are caught in the legal system now. There in Foster Care.However do not forget about the women. They have been brainwashed there entire life that what the men did was OKAY. In reality all religions are a form of brainwashing.

Now about the women . Yes they do dress & act differently. However I think the TV shows should stop calling them nasty names. These women are victims. They need our help as well as the children. These women lives have changed. This was not something they saw coming. They need are help. This country needs to show these women a form of compassion.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Life on a Friday

I hope that one day I will look forward to a Romantic weekend. I wonder what there like?


The following is not gossip or preaching. The following article is just praise for a talent worth listening too.

Hi I am not a fan of today's popular music. ( Is it still called Top 40 or Pop?) Anyway I herd all about Amy Winehouse's troubles long before I herd any of the songs from the CD. For some reason when I herd parts "Rehab" for the first time I was intrigued. So I bought the CD. When I herd it for the first time I loved it.

To describe Amy's style its like big band meets Motown. All the songs are great. My favorite song happens to "Back to Black".

If your into great music I want you to buy this CD. You might not like Amy's headline making life but you will love her as singer. The woman has talent. She deserved those Grammy's!

Joe Simpson (Jessica & Ashlee Dad) does he seem gay?

Does he seem gay to you? He might not be but he is no John Wayne that's for sure

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Gay men. If your straight and your reading this, good. I am a gay American. According to lots of Christians I am going to Hell along with all the Jewish people. (Wake up Christians Jesus was Jewish).

I would say most Gay men in this Country live 2 lives. I am one of those guys. At work I am who I am. I don't go around and say I am gay, I can't anyway this is Mississippi. I get along with my co-workers but I do not talk about my private life. I am all business at work which means I am always serious. I don't joke around and cut up with people at work. I don't because I do not trust most of them. The are uneducated church going morons. This is one life. In my second life I am who I really am at home. I am a gay man who is very friendly with my neighbor and real friends and family. With these people I am my real self. I am funny. I am honest! I help out anybody that I can. I am a friend. I let my hair down and put on my earring and put on my "chick flicks" when I want to watch a movie. I talk about my private life and give my true opinions. When your a straight man you can do that without fear with anyone. They should try to be gay for a week most straight men would fall apart! They would crack! The cowards!

What is funny to me is that the men I work with 2 of them are divorced (both have been married 2 times) 1 is married but cheating on his wife. Another got 2 girls pregnant when he was in high school. He is now married to a different lady but has no contact with his 2 out of wedlock children, which tells me he must not pay child support. Those kids suffer I am sure.

Now all of them talk very negative about the gay people that we work with. Whats funny is that none of these straight guys have a clue that I am gay. These divorced & cheats think gay people would not take marriage seriously.

What they do not understand is how gay men and straight women can be friends. Well the truth is lots of gay men can relate to women on an emotional level. Lots of gay men see the world like women. We do not think like a woman but we see the world as women do.

Now when your a gay man you can not hold your bf hand in public. You can not kiss him goodbye at the Airport. You can't kiss them hello at the airport. You can not most things straight people take for granted. Your always double thinking your every word and every move.

Gay Closet Case Co-Worker in Gulfport MS

I worked at a store for a few months last Summer. Since this is Mississippi I did not talk about my sexual orientation. Then One day I was being nice and listening to a co-worker talk about his life. He told me "he had no friends at work" etc etc.

Well he then made a pass at me. I was nice about it but turned him down. He then would hit on me all the time and then , in front of me would tell our other co-workers he had a girlfriend. This man is a nutcase. I did feel sad for him because I know he is gay and the way he has raised and the way he thinks he is only heading to a breakdown.

I felt sorry for him. Then I figured out he was A Bible Thumper, who lived at home (he is 24) had no goals to move out of the home. He got very angry at me when he told me "he was in love with me" and I said oh "That's Nice". I did not want to tell him "There was no way I could ever be in love with him". I was being nice but also stated that I was in a relationship.

I left that job at the end of Summer. However before I left this man started to scare me. Even today months after I have left This man keeps calling me. I never return his calls. I feel bad for him but, I can't help to think that I would be in danger if I became friends with him!

Hey "P" if your reading this get help fast.

Gay Men & Lesbian Women Will our voice be herd?

We will get a new President in less then a year. Chances are for gay men & women nothing will change for the better. Gay rights are not a topic that any of the candidates will address. Gay marriage will still be illegal. Gay adoption will be against the law in Florida. The church and Dr James Dobson will continue to raise money so they can throw stones at homosexual sand get away with it!

If I had my way I would change the laws that

* Make gay civil unions be recognized in all 50 states.
* Make Gay hate crimes a top priority
*Overturn "No Child left Behind"
*Make MJ legal
* PASS A LAW THAT WOULD TAX BOOZE AND BULLETS. The tax would go to keep trauma centers open. After all most people that are in the hospital Emergency Rooms are there because of booze and bullets!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

LAPD gunned down Ray Vitte

Forgotten victim of LAPD violence Ray Vitte. Mr Vitte was an actor. His biggest role was in the 1978 movie "Thank God It's Friday". He was well liked by his fellow cast mates and was very good friends with Donna Summer. The reason why the LAPD gunned down Ray Vitte in 1983 is crazy and the explanation is just as crazy. The truth is the LAPD gun downed Ray Vitte in his own home. They said he was "drugged out of his mind and preaching & screaming the words of god at his neighbors". I am sure Ray did not know that could get you killed!

Now What neighbor called and why is not what matters here. What does matter is that it was obvious that Mr Vitte was "GUNNED DOWN and MURDERED" by the LAPD. Mr Vitte never did point a gun at the neighbors or the LAPD. In fact he didn't have a gun on his person at the time he was murdered.
Whatever happened to the policeman that did this? I bet he was promoted. If he was white I am sure he was promoted that day.

That was 1983. African Americans said that the LAPD killed an innocent man. Nobody at the DA'S office did anything. I do not even know if there was a real internal affairs investigation about this. Some how I don't think so. What was sad is that nobody really did listen to the black community about the complaints they had about the LAPD. It took another 8 years (and video tape evidence) that proved the LAPD did use excessive against African Americans.

That proof of course was the video tape beating of Rodney King.



This country is full of ignorat people. These people are dangerous. They would rather see Ryan O'Neal adopt and abuse children then let 2 gay parents adopt. Yes Florida Outlaws gay adoptions and so does Texas. Christians run this country and there also ruining the country!


TMZ has obtained the mugshot of actor Ryan O'Neal, who was arrested Saturday morning at his Malibu home. He was booked on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and negligent discharge of a firearm after a fight with his son, Griffin. O'Neal was released after posting $50,000 bail. Police tell TMZ that O'Neal, 65, fired at least one gunshot during the scuffle. Cops say he was booked at the Lost Hills Sheriff's station without incident. He was released at 5:30 AM.Sheriff's sources tell TMZ that a 22-year-old female friend of Griffin's was "inadvertently" injured at the scene and transported to a local hospital. Sources wouldn't confirm if the injury was a result of the gunshot.Griffin O'Neal, son of Ryan and Joanna Moore, is also no stranger to the law. The 42-year-old spent 18 days in jail for not performing the community service ordered by a judge who found him guilty of reckless boating in a 1986 accident that killed the son of film director Francis Ford Coppola.

Griffin also has a history of substance abuse. He pleaded no contest to a drunken driving charge in 1989. In 1992, he agreed to spend one year in a live-in drug rehabilitation program after pleading no contest to charges he shot at his estranged girlfriend's unoccupied car. Ryan's daughter Tatum has been in & out of rehab! So has his son Redmond. Ryan is a bad parent! However there should be a law that would outlaw him to have children but there isn't. Ryan has proven to be a bad parent for 4 decades. Now does he have a child that hasn't been to rehab or jail?

So the church (Dr James Dobson) doesn't want gay men and women to be able to adopt! I am sure Dr James Dobson would jump up and down with joy if Ryan got married and had more children! I for one would love to have a law that would make it a crime for Ryan to have anymore children! I also want any laws that outlaw gay adoptions to be thrown out on the grounds that the laws are unconstitutional.

However I think having a dad like Ryan might not be unconstitutional but I am positive that its hell.

This Gay man doesn't know who to vote for

Hilary Clinton or Bama. WHO is on my side in the long run. As far as I can tell gay rights are not an issue for neither one these candidates. So should I give shit about them?
Well yes. I love Bama. I think he would be an excellent President. I think Hilary would be great as well but does she care about my future? For some reason I don't think so.

All this gay man wants is equal rights. Not special rights. Straight people can get married and fail at it so why not gay people?

I really don't have any passion

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

For My Broken Heart in Biloxi

My Secret crush is no longer a crush. I had a birthday party (at work) and he wasn't busy. I invited him down to join the party he said "I would" but he never showed. Oh well life goes on. Besides he is like 54 and I am only 41. I can do better and I will.


A gay theme movie that is well worth watching? Is it true? Well in a word, "Yes". Now "Circuit" is a good movie, not great but good.

The DVD that I saw is the directors cut which runs longer then the unrated edition. I have never watched the R RATED version so I can not review that.

Now what I loved about this movie is that it knows who its audience is. The audience for this movie is going to be primarily gay men.

The movie was written and directed by the openly gay Dirk Shafer. He is very familiar of the gay circuit parties and he fills the screen with great man candy. He knows what his audience wants in a movie and he goes for it.

The storyline is interesting. A gay cop in a small town movies to West Hollywood after his co-workers find out he is gay. He soon get caught up in the Circuit Parties and his life seems to go spiraling out of control.

This movie made want to see "Man of the Year" again. That was the directors first movie which is very funny.

If you could turn someone gay who would it be?

Okay the straight people have us gay people outnumbered. Gay people Were bound to have a gay crush on straight guy. We might not let the straight guy know but we do have them. If I could turn someone gay I would make "RA" from where I work. He nice. But I can't make him gay so I will move on.

Now if I could make a famous straight person gay I would make that stupid man who lives in DC in a big old white house. I want him to know and see how it feels to be treated as a political punching bag.

Now for the famous guy I would like to turn gay it would have to be Jake Gyllenhaal . Since he did "Broke back Mountain" I became a fan of his. He is very handsome, very very handsome. Too handsome for him to be straight.

If America is not ready for Katie Couric then there not ready for Anderson Cooper

I feel bad for Katie Couric. She has took a risk for doing the CBS News. She was the first woman ever to get the sole anchor job at any Network. Barbara Walters & Connie Chung were both co-anchors.

If America is not ready for a woman to do the News then I don't think they will be ready for Anderson Cooper. America hates anything that changes.

I think there both Katie & Anderson are great. They both have strengths and weaknesses. Nobody of course is perfect. However America is not tolerant of change. In fact Americans hate change. We have a history of fighting change











So what makes CBS Think that America will except the openly handsome Anderson Cooper?


Soul Mates are Soul Mates Real?

I hate the word/phrase Soul Mate. I worked with one woman who all the time saying she was looking for her "soul mate".

I think that wording is stupid. I think soul mates are friends you have for years. It would be nice to be "best friends" with your gay lover but straight people I think have this problem too. Look at the divorce rate that straight people have. Look at gay relationships they seem not to last either.

I think it is time to stop saying soul mate or we should change the meaning!

Monday, April 14, 2008

In gay or straight relationships How do you fall out of love?

My grandparents were married for over 60 years. My parents have been married for almost 50 years! How do they do it? We all think 1 gay year in a relationship is equal to 3 straight years but come on give me a break on that. I just want to know how is it or how do people fall out of love? How does it happen? Maybe you were not in love to begin with? Tell me your opinion PLEASE!!

What "straight actor" sets off your gaydar?

Yes we all know of "stars" who say there "straight" and they might even be married however your gaydar says otherwise. Someone who sets off my gaydar is Brad Rowe. He was the love interest to Sean Hayes in "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss". Your turn now who sets off your gaydar?

What if AIDS never happened?

I came of age in the 1980's. I graduated from high school right when the AIDS epidemic in America. I was ready to explore being gay but AIDS scared me into denial and I ended up in a closet until I was almost 30. Now I can not blame AIDS all together for me being in the closet however I always have wonder that if AIDS never happened would I have stayed in a closet for that long?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Gay men When do you make a move?

If you see someone you like in public (not in gay bar) when do you make a move to get his phone number?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

When love someone but not in love anymore

Relationships are hard. I have only been in one long term gay relationship. Its almost anniversary time and I am not really looking forward to an anniversary. The friendship is there but the love isn't equal anymore. I am still trying figure out on how that happened.

Gay men what are you looking for in a boyfriend?

To me at my age I would want someone who is nice, kind hearted, with a nice smile. I want him to have a job and be comfortable with his homosexuality. I would not want to be his first boyfriend cause lets face it first timers freak.

Gay Theme Movies What is missing?

Why is that most gay theme movies are bad? I wonder when does the gay audience get a good romantic comedy. The only good gay movie I have seen was "Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss".
But where is the gay versions of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding", "Sleepless in Seatle", and "The Way We Were"?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Zak Spears Where is he Now

Okay I have to admit this man is very good looking. In fact he is great looking. I herd he was did a mainstream movie but was it released?

What happens to older Gay Men?

Its a sad fact that gay men in there 40's have to come to think there too old! Why is that gay men in there 20's think of gay men in there 40's are too old for them to date?

Well to each there own. However if your gay man in your 40's there is hardly any older men in there late 50's early 60's to help Gage us through the unknown. Why is this? Well AIDS.

AIDS wiped out a huge part of gay baby boomer men. These are the men that were part of the huge gay rights movement. The straight counter parts of the boomers have redefined what being in your 40's, 50's, & 60's. . However for gay men we don't have that. I am in my 40's and I feel like I am breaking new ground but I know I am not.

Now as a gay man in my 40's I do not see any older gay men couples? I know there out there but where?

I have to create a life that I am proud of. I have to be my own role model. I have to set an example to the world of what a gay man in his 40's is all about. I live in Mississippi so if there is any gay male couples here I love to meet them.

Thursday, April 3, 2008



Okay here is the deal. (This is for men only).I don't care if your 18 or 80 how afraid were you the first time you had sex with another man.

This is a question we never see on talk shows. This is something that is never mentioned anywhere. If you know your the "bottom" you must be afraid. Where you? Did you enjoy the sex the first time?
I for one can say it scared me. Did I enjoy it? Well it was okay. It wasn't great. Buth then again what's great sex for me might be boring to someone else.

Ellen Degeneres & Ann Heche Celebrity Gay Couple

Ellen Degeneres & Ann Heche Celebrity Gay Couple

In 1997 Ellen Degeneres and Ann Heche became the worlds most famous openly gay couple. The title was previously held my Julie Cypher & Mellisa Etheridge.

At the time "ellen" was coming out I myself was coming out. "Ellen Degenres" was out to her friends and family but to the world she wasn't. Her character on TV "ellen morgan" was not out. That character at 35 was finding her way in the world. Now I wasn't a fan of ther tv show "ellen" however when I herd the Summer of 1996 that "ellen" was coming out I was excited.

I myself was 1/2 step out of the closet. I started to follow "Ellen Morgan" leads and copied her hints she was dropping on the show.

Well "Ellen Dengeres" came put publicly in 1997. When she came out she had a girlfriend by her side as well. That lady was Anne Heche.

Now lots of nasty things have bees said about Anne. I just want to go on the record and say "Ann was a brave soul". She was on Oprah Winfrey with Ellen and said "Be Proud of the relationship your in", "This is Love, we should celebrate love".

From that moment on "Ellen and Ann" became the hottest couple in the USA. It was the first celebrity gay couple. In the year 2000 Anne & Ellen broke up. That was sad. Even today there break up" has left a void. There is not celebrity gay couple. We need one. I thought "Ellen and Anne" were great role models.

When I met them in 1999 I thought Anne was very kind. I am still a fan of hers and to me she was a role model that other stars should copy. She was polite to fans. Took pictures with them and signed autographs. She should teach a class to stars on how to deal with the public.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My birthday is Over

I still hope I get my wish.

What it was like to be a gay teen in the 1980's

Life for a gay teen in the 1980's.

Wow this is a statement. In a nutshell HELL. In 1979 I was 12. For some reason I knew that I was different. I knew I had a "Crush" on this man that worked at a store. When I had a "fantasy" about him I freaked out BIG time. I actually forgot about that memory for years. However I did know then I was a FAG but at the same denied it.

Growing up is hard enough. When your gay its hell on earth. I had nobody talk too in an honest way. I am sure this was like most places . However I did not know any openly gay people at all. There were rumors of cousins but I never saw them.

In 1981 I went to a church camp for a week. It was my LAST TIME. Wow this was an eye opener. This camp love to have sermons that sounded like a KKK rally. What I remember the most was that at this camp was that Jewish people were going to hell and that gays were going too.

Well I thought they were crazy. The only thing missing was a sheet and a burning cross. I was glad when the week ended. After that shit I never wanted to be around CHURCH people again.

Well less then 2 years later AIDS became a hot topic. AS far as the general public was consenered "Gay people were asking for AIDS". This was all that I herd from teacher preachers and even parents. Well going through puberty and hearing this makes one hate gay people even if your gay yourself. By the time I was 16 I knew I was gay and I tried so hard not to be gay.By the time I was 20 I developed a drinking problem that lasted for 10 years.

I thought in the 2000's things were getting better. However when a gay teen is killed just because he is gay this reminds me that life is still hard for gay teens.



I hope she rots in hell. Well I know she will. I hope she gets there soon.

The following story is from http://www.perezhilton.com/

What are people smoking in Oklahoma City?
It must be something good,because they are really messed up in the head. Or maybe it's all that inbreeding.
We're sorry if we're offending Oklahomans, but we're fucking pissed!
More than 1,000 people were at the Oklahoma Capitol on Tuesday for a rally to support Gay-basher state Rep. Sally Kern.
Satan Kern, as you may recall, is the crazy republican who was recorded making anti-gay remarks, decided not to apologize for it, and even has a gay son!
According to Satan Kerns, homosexuals are a greater threat than terrorists!
People were on site with "We Stand With Sally Kern," signs.
That's crazy! One thousand people supporting her is still 999 too many!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

If gay Marriage was legal

Would you get married to your partner if gay marriage was legal? Personally I don't know. Today I would said "No". Next week I might have a different answer.

Gay Adult Men how do you make a move

Okay I have a crush on someone. He might be gay and he might not. How should I approach him?