Just a blog from a gay man. My View. I hope you will enjoy

Monday, June 23, 2008

Coming out Stories

I came out to my family in 1997. I was just reminded on hard it was when I watched "Coming Out Stories".

This is a TV show that shows Gay Men & Women that are going to Come Out to their family. If your straight you will never how hard that is to do. If you are gay then you will see yourself in these men and women trying to come out to their family and hoping they will not be rejected.

Now if your straight do me a favor. I want you to Please Imagine everyone in your family that you love. You know you do not want to hurt them. You don't want them to hate you. You still want to be part of their lives. Now Imagine being shunted by them because your "left handed". Well that's stupid I know but a person can not help being left handed. The same goes with being gay. "YOU ARE BORN GAY". Some people know when there very young. Some people do not know until much later. In any event coming out is the most stressful thing one person can ever do.

I beg all of you to rent the DVD "COMING OUT STORIES". It is very moving.

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