Just a blog from a gay man. My View. I hope you will enjoy

Sunday, July 13, 2008


"Meet Dave" is a box office bomb. I am glad. Eddie Murphy last great movie was "The Nutty Professor" which was released in 1996.

I grew up being a fan of Eddie Murphy. However his concert called "Delirious" is a classic but is was very homophobic and help spread rumors on how AIDS was spread. Eddie made it cool for the public to fear AIDS and gay men. That's why in 1997 when Eddie was pulled over for "Picking up a Cross Dresser- Hooker" I found it funny. I also loved the fact that Eddie said "he didn't Know it was a hooker". Give me a break Eddie knows Hollywood. He also knows that that this part of town where he was busted is known for gay-cross dresser hookers.

Rumors abound that Eddie has a thing for big feet and painted nails. I hope that "Meet Dave" will be the last nail in his movie coffin. Her is a list of his Bombs

1) Best Defence (Lost $15,000,000)

2) Harlem Knights (Lost $15,000,000)

3) Another 48 Hours (Broke Even)

4) Boomerang (Lost $12,000,000)

5) Distinguished Gentleman (Lost $10,000,000)

6) Beverly Hills Cop III (Lost $15,000,000)

7) Vampire in Brooklyn (Lost $12,000,000)

8) METRO (Unknown)

9) Holy Man (Unknown)

10) Life (Broke Even)

11) Showtime (Lost $33,000,000)

12) Pluto Nash (Lost $90,000,000)

13) I Spy ( Unknown)

14) Meet Dave (Unknown)

Face it Folks he lost more money for Hollywood in the last 10 years. He didn't make Hollywood money. Sorry Shrek doesn't count!

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